Home Icon Library Board of Trustees

To serve as Library advocates to raise awareness of the important role the Greensboro Public Library has in maintaining the quality of life in the Greensboro community.


Board Information


The Board of Trustees shall consist of eleven (11) members. Nine (9) of these shall be appointed by the City Council, to include one permanent honorific appointee; and One (1) shall be appointed by the Guilford County Commissioners. The eleventh position shall be reserved for the President of the Historical Museum, Incorporated. The term of office on the Greensboro Public Library Board of Trustees for the President of the Historical Museum, Incorporated shall be limited to that person’s term as president. Each of the nine (9) members appointed by the City Council shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years, but a member so appointed may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms, excluding the permanent honorific appointee. The appointee of the Guilford County Commissioners shall likewise be appointed for a term of three (3) years and may serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms. Members may be reappointed for an additional three-year term. Members hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified. Any vacancy resulting from a cause other than expiration of term is filled only for the unexpired portion of the term. The honorary, ex officio members shall serve so long as each of them are willing and able to serve on the board and their terms shall be non-expiring except through resignation or the inability to continue service an as ex officio member. Members may not succeed themselves after having served a second full term without an intervening period of one year, and appointment for more than half of the unexpired portion of a term is considered as appointment for a full term.

The Board elects its own Chairperson and vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson and vice-Chairperson are chosen from the board members. The secretary may be either a board member or a library employee.

Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or upon written request of three (3) members of the Board for the transaction of business stated in the request. Notice shall be given verbally or in writing and delivered personally to each member or left at his residence not less than forty-eight hours prior to the time of the meeting; provided, that the minimum time period for notice to a member may be waived by such member if he/she is present at the special meeting.

The Board must also cause written notice of the special meeting, stating its general purpose, to be posted at the door of its meeting place, to be mailed or delivered to each news media, and/or person(s) who has filed a request for notice with the City Clerk's Office, at least forty-eight hours before the special meeting.

The Greensboro Public Library Board of Trustees, which is established under the authority of G.S. 153 A-263, has the following powers and duties: (Article 14. Sec. 153A-966)
(a) To adopt by-laws, rules and regulations for its own guidance and in the government of the library as may be necessary and in conformity with the law;
(b) To supervise and care for the physical facilities constructed, leased, or set apart for library purposes;
(c) To advise and make recommendations to City Council concerning the lease or purchase and occupancy of appropriate buildings, or the construction of appropriate buildings upon lands acquired by gift, device or purchase;
(d) To make recommendations to the City Manager concerning the appointment of a chief librarian or director of library services, assistant librarians and other employees, and the removal of such librarians or employees; provided, that no vacancies existing or occurring in the position of chief librarian or director in any such library shall be filled by the appointment or designation of any person who is not certified as a professional librarian by the North Carolina Library Certification Board under the provisions of General Statute 125-9 or General Statute 125-10;
(e) To make recommendations concerning the annual budget for the library to the City Manager and City Council;
(f) With the consent of the City Council to extend the privileges and use of such library to nonresidents of the county or municipality, upon such terms and conditions as it may prescribe.;
(g) To submit an annual report to the City Council with a copy thereof filed with
the North Carolina State Library Board;
(h) To perform such other duties as may be assigned to it from time to time by
the City Council;
(i) To serve as Library advocates to raise awareness of the important role the Greensboro Public Library has in maintaining the quality of life in the Greensboro community.


The Board can make no expenditure or contract any indebtedness for which the City is liable without the approval of the Council. Members serve without compensation.

Title to all property given, granted, conveyed, donated, devised, or bequeathed to, or otherwise acquired by the City for a library, must vest in and be held in the name of the City.

The use of the library must be free to the residents of the City and County in accordance with G.S. 153 A-264.


Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Bynum, Monique Trustee 07 Mar 2023 15 Aug 2026 Active Hightower
Cannon, Janne Trustee 11 Jul 2023 15 Aug 2026 Active Hoffmann
Clifton, Carolyn Denise Resigned 06 Jun 2023 15 Aug 2026 Active Wells
Cutler, Ivan Trustee 15 Nov 2022 15 Aug 2025 Active Matheny
Durham Jr., George Trustee 05 Aug 2024 15 Aug 2027 Active Wells
Jones, Ken Trustee 05 Aug 2024 15 Aug 2027 Active Wells
Rogers, Stacy Trustee 05 Sep 2023 15 Aug 2026 Active Thurm
Wood, Scott Trustee 05 Aug 2024 15 Aug 2027 Active Hightower
Dolin, Arlene Resigned 01 Sep 2020 15 Aug 2023 Expired Abuzuaiter
Pearson, Michael Trustee 21 Jul 2020 15 Aug 2023 Expired Kennedy