Home Icon Minimum Housing Standards Commission

The Greensboro Minimum Housing Standards Commission studies rental rates, the need for reconditioning or condemnation, and other housing conditions within the City, decides on matters appealed from rules of the Building Inspector concerning the housing code, and inspects houses and living quarters in the City, having the right to enter, with the Building Inspector, for that purpose.


Board Information


The Commission is composed of seven members plus two alternate members appointed by the Council for three-year terms which expire as of the 15th day of August. Members hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified. Members cannot succeed themselves after serving a second term without an intervening period of one year, and an appointment for more than half of the unexpired portion of a term is considered an appointment for a full term.
The Commission elects a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson from its members and elects a secretary, and an employee of the City, each of whom serves for two years. Should the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson be absent at any meeting, the commission elects a temporary Chairperson to serve at the meeting.
The Commission can make no expenditure or contract any indebtedness for which the City is liable without the approval of the Council. Members serve without compensation.

The Commission holds meetings regularly every month unless there is not sufficient business to warrant a meeting, but not more than ninety days shall expire without a regular or special meeting. In addition to regular meetings, special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chairperson. Notice shall be given verbally or in writing and delivered personally to each member or left at his residence not less than forty-eight hours prior to the time of the meeting; provided, that the minimum time period for notice to a member may be waived by such member if he/she is present at the special meeting.
The Commission must also cause written notice of the special meeting, stating its general purpose, to be posted at the door of its meeting place, to be mailed or delivered to each news media, and/or person(s) who has filed a request for notice with the City Clerk's Office, at least forty-eight hours before the special meeting. All regular and special meetings are held in the Municipal Office Building, except when adjourned to another place. All meetings are open to the public. Four members constitute a quorum, and the concurrence of at least four members is required to reverse or modify any decision of the Building Inspector.

Decisions of the Commission shall be subject to review by the Superior Court of Guilford County by proceeding in the nature of certiorari instituted within fifteen days of the decision of the Commission.

No member may discuss, advocate, or vote on any matter in which he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, and no member may discuss with the Council any matter which has been, is, or will be considered by the commission and in which he/she has a separate private, or monetary interest, whether direct or indirect. Any member who violates this provision is subject to removal.

Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Furman, Theresa "Tracy" Commissioner 15 Nov 2022 15 Aug 2025 Active Thurm
Hawkins, Samuel Commissioner 16 May 2023 15 Aug 2026 Active Abuzuaiter
Issifou, Moussa Commissioner 19 Apr 2022 15 Aug 2025 Active Hightower
McKinney, Michael Commissioner 20 Dec 2022 15 Aug 2025 Active Johnson
Rivero, Amber Resigned 15 Mar 2022 15 Aug 2025 Active Outling
Scott, Franklin Chair 04 Jun 2024 15 Aug 2027 Active Abuzuaiter
Waller, Michael Resigned 18 Jan 2022 15 Aug 2025 Active Johnson
Wright-Pone, Morgan Commissioner 17 Apr 2023 15 Aug 2026 Active Holston
Singleton, Kristina Commissioner 15 Jun 2021 15 Aug 2024 Expired Johnson