Home Icon War Memorial Commission

The Greensboro War Memorial Commission advises the managing director of the Greensboro Coliseum Complex on rules and regulations for the use and operation of the Greensboro War Memorial, including fees for its use, subject to the approval of the City Council. The Commission will serve as a liaison to the community to promote the activities and events being held at the facility.


Board Information


The Commission is composed of eleven (11) regular voting and three (3) ex officio, non-voting members. The eleven (11) voting members are appointed by the Council for staggered terms of three years which expire on the 15th day of August.

One of the seats created in 2012 will be reserved for a resident of the electoral district wherein the Coliseum is located, and the appointment shall be in effect as if the member had been initially appointed as of August 15, 2012.

The second seat created in 2012 shall be reserved for the Greensboro Sports Foundation, and the term for that seat shall coincide with the Chair’s service as Chair of the Greensboro Sports Foundation.

Appointments for all other seats shall continue to be made in a manner to provide for overlapping and staggered terms of office. Any vacancy resulting from a cause other than expiration of term for the eleven regular voting members shall be filled only for the unexpired portion of the term. The operating manager of the War Memorial Coliseum shall be an ex officio member of the Commission and shall serve as its secretary, but shall not be entitled to vote.

Charles T. Hagan, Jr., and William H. Sullivan, Jr., shall be honorary, non-voting ex officio members of the commission. The honorary, ex officio members shall serve so long as each of them are willing and able to serve on the commission and their terms shall be non-expiring except through resignation or the inability to continue service an as ex officio member.

The eleven regular voting members cannot succeed themselves after having served a second full term without an intervening period of one year, and appointment for more than half of the unexpired portion of a term is considered as appointment for a full term.

The Commission elects a Chairperson from its members, who shall serve for such term as may be fixed by the commission. Should the Chairperson or secretary be absent at any meeting, the commission shall elect a temporary Chairperson or secretary to serve at the meeting.

The Commission shall hold meetings regularly once each month unless there is not sufficient business to warrant a meeting, but not more than sixty days shall expire without a regular or special meeting. Meetings are held on such days and at such hours as fixed by rule of the commission.

Special meetings of the Commission may be called by the Chairperson. Notice shall be given verbally or in writing and delivered personally to each member or left at his residence not less than forty-eight hours prior to the time of the meeting; provided, that the minimum time period for notice to a member may be waived by such member if he/she is present at the special meeting.

The Commission must also cause written notice of the special meeting, stating its general purpose, to be posted a the door of its meeting place, to be mailed or delivered to each news media, and/or person(s) who have filed a request for notice with the City Clerk's Office, at least forty-eight hours before the special meeting.

All meetings are held in the War Memorial offices, except when adjourned to another location. All meetings are open to the public. Four members constitute a quorum, and the concurrence of at least four appointed members is required before any official action is taken.

The Commission shall make no expenditure or contract any indebtedness for which the City shall be liable without the approval of the City Council. Members shall serve without compensation.

No member may discuss, advocate, or vote on any matter in which he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, and no member may discuss before the Council any matter which has been, is, or will be considered by the commission and in which he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or indirect. Any member who violates this provision is subject to removal.

The Commission makes a report to the Council annually before the first day of August.

Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Akwari, Chidi Chair 20 Aug 2024 15 Aug 2027 Active Abuzuaiter
Beard, Richard Greensboro Sports Foundation Liaison 20 Aug 2008 31 Dec 2050 Active
Brown, Matt Staff Liaison 15 Jul 2015 15 Jul 2029 Active Vaughan
Gatten, Florence Honorary Lifetime Member Non Voting 01 Jan 2020 31 Dec 2050 Active
Glazman, Jon Commissioner 06 Sep 2022 15 Aug 2025 Active Hoffmann
Hart, Kris Commissioner 05 Aug 2024 15 Aug 2027 Active Thurm
Isaacson, Marc Commissioner 19 Jul 2022 15 Aug 2025 Active Holston
McKinney, Michael Commissioner 05 Aug 2024 15 Aug 2027 Active Johnson
Spruill, Joyce Commissioner 18 Jan 2022 15 Aug 2025 Active Hightower
Starrett, Bryan Commissioner 21 Jun 2022 15 Aug 2025 Active Outling
Turner III, Harrison Honorary Lifetime Member Non Voting 13 Nov 2023 31 Dec 2050 Active
Washington, Justin Commissioner 18 Jun 2024 15 Aug 2027 Active Vaughan
Townsend, Carlos Resigned 14 Sep 2021 15 Aug 2024 Expired Hightower