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The Greensboro Planning and Zoning Commission hears and decides requests for amendments to the City's official Zoning Map.


Board Information


The Commission is composed of nine members who are appointed by the Council for three-year staggered terms which expire as of the 15th day of August. Members hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified. Any vacancy resulting from a cause other than expiration of term is filled only for the unexpired portion of the term. Members cannot succeed themselves after serving a second full term without an intervening period of one year, and appointment for more than half of the unexpired portion of a term is considered as appointment for a full term. Five members of the Zoning Commission shall constitute a quorum.

The Commission elects a Chairperson and Vice Chair from among the members of the Commission, who serves for such time as fixed by the Commission. An employee of the City shall serve as secretary to the Commission and shall be responsible for the official records of the Commission and transmit official decisions of the Commission to the City Council and the public.

The Commission can make no expenditure or contract any indebtedness for which the City is liable without the approval of the Council. Members serve without compensation.

The Commission holds meetings regularly once each month unless there is not sufficient business to warrant a meeting, but not more than sixty days may expire without a regular or special meeting of the commission.

Special meetings of the Commission may be called by the Chairperson. Notice shall be given verbally or in writing and delivered personally to each member or left at his residence not less than forty-eight hours prior to the time of the meeting; provided, that the minimum time period for notice to a member may be waived by such member if e/she is present at the special meeting.

The Commission must also cause written notice of the special meeting, stating its general purpose, to be posted at the door of its meeting place, to be mailed or delivered to each news media, and/or person(s) who has filed a request for notice with the City Clerk's Office, at least forty-eight hours before the special meeting. All regular and special meetings are held in the Melvin Municipal Office Building except when adjourned to another location or conducted as a remoted hearing in accordance with State law, and all meetings are open to the public.

The duties of the commission include hearing requests to rezone properties, including conditional zoning districts, reviewing original zoning requests (associated with annexations), and reviewing and recommending boundaries for new or altered zoning overlay districts. The commission also studies the needs and resources of Greensboro and plans for its appropriate development.

Some responsibilities include:

Reviewing the text of the Land Development Ordinance and advising City Council on its changes.

Advising City Council on measures related to annexations and comprehensive planning.

Advising City Council on issues related to changes in the street network, such as street closings and street name changes.

Making recommendations to City Council regarding community development activities (plans and financing options to preserve neighborhoods, enhance downtown, create jobs, and expand the supply of safe/affordable housing) and Neighborhood Small Projects program applications. 

Reviewing Tree Conservation and Landscape Ordinances, advising staff on appropriate changes to the text, and providing professional expertise for developing program goals and policies for the Greensboro Urban Forestry Program.


Six or more favorable votes from the Commission shall constitute final action unless appealed in accordance with Section 30-3-6.5(E) and Section 30-4-5.6(E) of the Land Development Ordinance. Where no proper appeal is made, a copy of the ordinance rezoning the property shall be filed with the City Clerk. When an application receives less than six favorable votes, but a majority favorable vote, from the Commission, that action shall constitute a favorable recommendation and be forwarded to the City Council for final action.

Pursuant to City Code of Ordinance Section 2-142, no member may discuss, advocate, or vote on any matter in which he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, and no member may discuss before the Council any matter which has been, is, or will be considered by the commission and in which he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or indirect. Any member who violates this provision is subject to removal.

Pursuant to NCGS 160D-109, members shall not vote on any advisory or legislative decision regarding a development regulation or zoning of property where the outcome of the matter being considered is reasonably likely to have a direct, substantial, and readily identifiable financial impact on the member. A member shall not vote on any zoning amendment if the landowner of the property subject to a rezoning petition or the applicant for a text amendment is a person with whom the member has a close familial, business, or other associational relationship. If an objection is raised to a member's participation at or prior to the hearing or vote on a particular matter and that member does not recuse himself or herself, the remaining members of the Commission shall by majority vote rule on the objection. A "close familial relationship" means a spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, grandparent, or grandchild. The term includes the step, half, and in-law relationships.

The Commission has adopted procedural rules and regulations which are filed with the City Clerk.

The Commission shall file a report with the Council on matters considered at every meeting held, giving information regarding the recommendations and actions taken.

Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Downing, Warche Commissioner 15 Aug 2023 15 Aug 2026 Active Wells
Gilmer Sr, Paul Commissioner 17 Oct 2023 15 Aug 2026 Active Wells
Glass, Erica Commissioner 01 Mar 2022 15 Aug 2025 Active Hightower
Magid, Catherine Vice Chair 04 Jun 2024 15 Aug 2027 Active Thurm
O'Connor, Sandra Chair 19 Jul 2022 15 Aug 2025 Active Abuzuaiter
Skenes, Mary Commissioner 18 Jun 2024 15 Aug 2027 Active Hoffmann
Turner, Betty Commissioner 15 Aug 2024 15 Aug 2027 Active Vaughan
Engle, Zac Commissioner 14 Sep 2021 15 Aug 2024 Expired Outling
Peterson Sr, Bryant Commissioner 17 Aug 2021 15 Aug 2024 Expired Hightower