Home Icon Tourism Development Authority

To promote the prosperity, general interest, and welfare of the City of Greensboro by encouraging and promoting attractions, facilities, and enterprises in the area; and by promoting tourism and convention business within Guilford County for its economic betterment. The authority is funded by the net proceeds of the Room Occupancy and Tourism development tax.


Board Information


The Greensboro City Council appoints five of the thirteen members. All members of the Authority serve three-year terms. Members may serve no more than two consecutive three-year terms; terms expire on September 30, and under Council’s policy appointment for more than half of the unexpired portion of a term is considered as appointment for a full term.

In April, 1984, the North Carolina Legislature enacted a law permitting Guilford County to levy a sales tax of three percent (3%) of the gross receipts derived from the rental of any room, lodging, or similar accommodation furnished by any hotel, motel, inn, tourist camp, or similar place within the county now subject to the three percent (3%) sales tax levied by the State of North Carolina. The tax is known as the Guilford County Room Occupancy and Tourism Development Tax. (Chapter 988, 1983 Session Laws) Because of the "sunset" on the law, in 1989 the General Assembly enacted an amendment to repeal the "sunset" and modified the provisions regarding use of the proceeds. (Chapter 39, 1989 Session Laws)

Under the provision of the 1989 law, Guilford County remits seventy percent (70%) of the net proceeds of the occupancy tax to the Greensboro/Guilford County Tourism Development Authority and remits the remaining thirty percent (30%) of the net proceeds of the tax to the City of High Point. "Net proceeds" means gross proceeds less the cost to the county of administering and collecting the tax, not to exceed five percent (5%) of the gross proceeds of the tax.

The Greensboro Guilford County Tourism Development Authority shall allocate eighty percent (80%) of its share of the net proceeds of the occupancy tax in a fiscal year for activities and programs promoting and encouraging travel and tourism. Of the remaining twenty percent (20%), the Authority shall allocate one hundred seventy thousand dollars ($170,000) each year for specific tourist-related events or activities, such as arts or cultural events, or for promoting, improving, constructing, financing, or acquiring facilities or attractions that enhance the development of tourism. Administrative costs of these grants shall be included in the one hundred seventy thousand dollars ($170,000), but such costs shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%). By joint agreement of the Greensboro City Council, the County Commissioners, and the Authority, the responsibility of this grant funding program may be reassigned to one of the other boards. Policy for distribution of these funds shall be set by the responsible board, but consideration should be given to the broad spectrum of programs and activities of all citizens in Greensboro and Guilford County. The remaining portion of the twenty percent (20%) shall go to the City of Greensboro for convention and tourism capital improvements. Approval of expenditures from the capital fund shall be a joint decision by the Greensboro City Council, the Guilford County Commissioners, and the Authority.

Then in April 1991, the General Assembly enacted a local act to permit the City of Greensboro to levy an additional 3 percent (3%) room occupancy and Tourism Development Tax. The net proceeds are divided as follows: twenty percent (20%) to the Tourism Development Authority for programs promoting and encouraging travel and tourism. Eighty percent (80%) to the City to finance renovation and expansion of the Greensboro Memorial Coliseum Arena.

The Greensboro City Council is responsible for appointing:
- a member of the Greensboro City Council
- an owner or operator of hotels, motels, or other taxable accommodations in Guilford County, excluding High Point, with more than 200 rental units
- an owner or operator of hotels, motels, or other taxable accommodations without meeting facilities
- upon receipt of recommendation from the Greensboro Arts Council, an individual who has demonstrated an interest in the arts and in related fields and does not own or operate hotels, motels, or other taxable tourist accommodations
- upon receipt of recommendation from the Guilford County Restaurant Association, an individual who has demonstrated an interest in convention and tourism development, is a member of the Guilford County Restaurant Association, and does not own or operate hotels, motels, and other taxable tourism accommodations.

All members of the Authority shall serve without compensation. Vacancies in the Authority shall be filled by the appointing authority of the member creating the vacancy. Members appointed to fill vacancies shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term for which they are appointed to fill.

The Authority shall meet at the call of the Chairperson and shall adopt rules of procedure to govern its meetings.

The finance officer for Guilford County shall be the ex-officio finance officer of the Authority.

The Greensboro Guilford County Tourism Development Authority and the City of High Point shall each report quarterly and at the close of the fiscal year to the board of county commissioners on their receipts and expenditures for the preceding quarter and for the year in such detail as the board may require.


Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Buffington, Rebecca Board Member 20 Aug 2024 30 Sep 2027 Active Hoffmann
Hoffmann, Nancy Board Member 05 Oct 2023 05 Oct 2026 Active Vaughan
Peters, Tim Board Member 20 Aug 2024 15 Aug 2027 Active Thurm
Harrill, Christopher Resigned 17 Sep 2019 30 Sep 2022 Expired Vaughan
Villier, Tony Resigned 17 Sep 2019 30 Sep 2022 Expired Vaughan